5 Top Historical Military Sites in Kinmen

One major highlight for many tourists visiting Kinmen is to explore the wartime history and fortifications of that era. It may seem like grave history and not suitable for one to visit for vacation. However, seeing the tunnels and tanks in reality can be quite awe-inspiring. We can’t help but

5 Top Historical Military Sites in Kinmen

One major highlight for many tourists visiting Kinmen is to explore the wartime history and fortifications of that era. It may seem like grave history and not suitable for one to visit for vacation. However, seeing the tunnels and tanks in reality can be quite awe-inspiring. We can’t help but imagine and wonder about where and how these things were built and used. 

At least for me, it was only after I came here and walked around that I fell in love with these sites. Therefore, here are 5 attractions that I recommend worth visiting in Kinmen: 

1. Shaxi Fort 沙溪堡

2. Beishan Broadcasting Wall 北山播音牆

3. Zhaishan Tunnel 翟山坑道

4. Shishan (Mt. Lion) Howitzer Front 獅山砲陣地

5. Battle slogans 戰地標語們

Top1: Shaxi Fort(沙溪堡)

Located in the western part of Lieyu (the Lesser Kinmen). After the opening of the Golden Gate Bridge, transportation has become very convenient, making it a high-value destination in terms of time for visiting. Here, you'll find bunkers, tunnels, and external fortifications. It is a place where you can experience many unique highlights at once. Except for the historical significance, the scenery and sunset views are also remarkable. I highly recommend visiting Shaxi Fort. When you first walk into the Shaxi Fort, you may feel that there is not much to explore:

Main gate of Shaxi Fort

Entering the tunnels, you’ll immediately feel a distinct wartime atmosphere. (Especially when compared to the more tourist-oriented tunnels in Kinmen) This feeling is primarily due to the high sense of oppression, as many spaces require you to stoop slightly as you move forward. (The image below shows me attempting to jog in low tunnels. The pressure was intense!)

The granite overhead gives people a sense of indestructibility. It seems like hitting it would blow your brains out.

At the junctions of the tunnels, you'll notice many small openings. From here, you can observe any enemies approaching from the beach. Standing here for a while, feeling the wind rustling the grass, you might sense that you've been given an important role and to be on duty in this spot. 

Observation and shooting can be conducted through small openings in the defensive fortifications.

From some angles, you can discover how close Amoy(廈門) is. You can even see what people are doing on the other side of the beach through a telescope. 

It is possible to see the opposite side directly with the naked eye.

I think this place truly encapsulates the atmosphere of warfare, the terrain of strategy, and why Kinmen was so hard to capture, highlighting the hardships of battle. However, the stunning scenery here quickly makes you forget about the heaviness of history. You will just want to fully embrace the sea breeze, nature, and take some beautiful photos. 

The bay view is the best

So, I highly recommend Shaxi Fortress. It's worth visiting to experience both the battlefield atmosphere and the beautiful scenery. 

Top2: Beishan Broadcasting Wall(北山播音牆)

The Beishan Broadcasting Wall is a structure facing mainland China, filled with speakers. During wartime, it was used to be a strategic military stronghold and conducting psychological warfare. It broadcasts news, emotional appeals, surrender calls, and other content. It is said that the sound could travel up to 25 kilometres. 

Wall of loudspeakers.

Above is where everyone likes to take photos. The area you can visit is this small tunnel. Inside is where the broadcasting equipment is placed. 

The appearance of the entrance to the broadcasting station.

Currently, they still play audio recordings of Teresa Teng's(鄧麗君) broadcasts (though it's unclear if the current volume reaches the 25-kilometre range). Her voice remains as sweet as ever. I think this building is unique and worth checking out. 

The official broadcasting times are as follows: 

(My personal experience is that it seems to be broadcast when I visit there. The information is provided below as a reference to avoid missing it.)

  • 09:00-09:45
  • 10:30-11:00
  • 13:00-13:30
  • 14:00-14:30
  • 15:00-15:45
  • 16:00-16:30

During art festivals, this place is often used as the location for interactive art installations. Before heading there, you can check online for relevant information. 

There's also Bei Shan Precipices(北山斷崖) nearby, where you can easily find the signs along the road. If the weather is nice, I also recommend adding it to your itinerary. 

Top3: Zhaishan Tunnel 翟山坑道

This place doesn’t need much introduction. The main attraction is their majestic appearance. Around the granite tunnels, you can see various geological features, similar to what you might see in a geography textbook. It's quite interesting and might bring back memories of geography class. 

These granite tunnels may look incredibly sturdy, but the whole tunnel system were built in only five years! It's quite impressive how efficiently they were constructed during wartime. 

If you'd like a guided tour, they're available at 09:00, 10:00, 11:00, 14:00, 15:00, 16:00. 

The tunnel is U-shaped, and this is the entrance.
Here is the midsection where boats can dock.
Looking out from the tunnel, you can see the blue sky.

In good weather, you can see the crystal-clear water and the blue sky at the entrance simultaneously. It's truly beautiful but hard to capture it in photos. 

水清澈可見底,可以看到別人掉下去的眼鏡以及 AirPods。
The water is so clear that you can see the bottom, even things like glasses and earphones that others have dropped.

By the time I visited there, I spotted one dropped earphone. Just as I was trying to figure out which side of the AirPods was dropped in the water, my glasses nearly slipped off! Please be careful of your belongings. There are also many fish here, but it's hard to tell how deep the water is. 

Each year, the Zhaishan Tunnel(翟山坑道) hosts a special event called the Kinmen Tunnel Music Festival during autumn, typically on a weekend in October. Musicians perform on small boats inside the tunnel, creating a unique concert experience. The tunnel itself acts like a giant speaker, making the event incredibly enjoyable. In 2024, it's scheduled for October 12nd to 13th.

Top4: Shishan (Mt. Lion) Howitzer Front 獅山砲陣地

It is a place I discovered in recent years. I had visited before when there was no howitzer drill demonstration and found it somewhat lacking in interest. However, with the addition of the drills, the battlefield atmosphere becomes much more vivid. 

The howitzer drill demonstration is the process of soldiers shooting howitzer, showing how they load the shells and who is responsible for launching them. I found it very immersive and quite fascinating. It's worth seeing. 

Demonstration Schedule (closed on Thursdays): 

  • 10:00, 11:00,13:30, 14:30, 15:30, 16:30 
    (Additional session on holidays: 9:00)
Pre-firing briefing for artillery operation.
During artillery operations, each person has a specific role, with each command corresponding to a specific action.

These demonstrators are not regular soldiers, they're likely actors performing for the show. However, they manage to create a very authentic atmosphere. It brings me to mind about to launch artillery shells without any mishaps under the intense emotional stress and the lack of complete frontline information during wartime situations. It heavily depends on following Standard Operating Procedures (SOP).

This demonstration shows you exactly how the SOP should be executed to achieve the standard for shooting a howitzer. After all, there's little room for error in such a task. 

Top5: battle slogans from everywhere

The last recommendation is to explore the various battle slogans scattered around. It might seem odd, but these slogans reflect a particular attitude toward life and the atmosphere of that time. You can find them not only outside military bases and along major roads but also on the roadside and inside shops. 

The spirit and determination slogans of Kinmen
On the walls, there are also various large characters. (This says TIDY)
The most famous one: Reclaiming our rivers and mountains
Education of love, discipline of iron. Orders as firm as a mountain, discipline as unyielding as iron.
This is the most well-organized slogan with a complete layout

After seeing them everywhere, you'll truly get a sense of unity across the whole Kinmen Island. 

Above all are the five top historical military sites in Kinmen! If you're excited about looking for a planned itinerary right away, I've already prepared it for you: "Secret Tips for a Four-Day, Three-Night Kinmen Trip." 

Feel free to ask any questions and share your thoughts. Suggestions are welcomed!

If you have any questions or suggestions, please feel free to let me know!

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這邊主推第一晚住宿,因為去聽免費導覽超方便 金門是這樣的地方,不知道故事你會覺得看起來很特別。 但知道了故事,你會一直想要聽下去。 你知道了建築為何長這樣,再去看花崗岩建築、洋樓、彈孔就會多很多感受,走馬看花會看到花磚很漂亮,但不會知道花磚從東南亞來,當時一片有多貴,感覺不到金門富商的豪橫。

By Summer Chang


隱室微光,是金門我最喜歡的夜間酒吧咖啡,有酒有飲料、有小點心。 我滿推薦大家坐在吧台跟老闆聊聊天的,老闆人超親切,也不會讓 I 人們感到不自在,想知道關於金門好吃好玩的,或是老闆為何在這裡開酒吧,聊天都很舒服。 這裡營業到晚上 11 點,有酒、有飲料,有小點心。 我非常推薦「水果茶」、還有「金門高粱烈啤酒」!

By Summer Chang